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Name: Sallow
Gender: Male
Race: Orc

In late 1993 and early 1994, Ancient Anguish found itself being evicted from
its site at dancer.ethz.ch (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich, in
Zurich, Switzerland). Hundreds of the dedicated users of Ancient Anguish came
together and donated money to the mud - over seven thousand US dollars. With
these funds, the Ancient Anguish Community became one of the most successful
user-owned muds, and was able to purchase a SparcStation 2 for its operation.
This is a list of donators for the 1993/1994 Ancient Anguish donation drive.
Percentage of amount required: 100.571% ($7040 of $7000 US)
We received donations from the following people:
Aarchon Aarrggghhh Abby Ace Acra Aditu
Agarwaen Agrivar Aisha Ajedrez Akrilik Aladdin
Alanon Alarick Aleister Ali Allie Altex
Alzar Amante Amatha Amiabab Anatoly Andi
Annihilus Ansel Aphrael Aphrodite Arachne Arayen
Archimede Arpeggio Arrok Ashlyn Astaldo Astron
Atti Autumn Avengar Avingar Aythea Azoth
Bach Baeorne Bailey Balkan Barak Battlerager
Beauty Behemoth Belgareth Belinore Belle Beluane
Blacklyon Blackmoon Blackshadow Blird Blitz Borax
Boromir Bossman Braccus Bremisha Brimstone Bruel
Brunch Bryanna Burglar Burrhead Bytre Cale
Cancer Canon Carebear Carina Casey Caster
Cat Celeb Centauri Cerebus Chance Cheers
Chess Cheymol Chloe Cici Clance Compton
Corfid Corinthian Cornelia Tarkus Cosette Creator
Crimson Crowley Crowqueen Crunch Cugel Dadbil
Daerna Dagda Daisy Dalamar Dale Dalila
Dalla Dani Dargoth Darius Darknight Darkraven
Darkspyre Darlon Darwin Dens Dept Deric
Deth Devlin Dexter Digits Dimenser Dimitri
Dique Dirtroad Domas Drake Dread Dreamshadow
Duckie Duenan Dzur Edog Egremont Ehecatl
Elizabeth Elsfaire Emily Erb Erlein Esoterica
Essence Ethel Etrigan Everman Excaleber Falocrata
Felipa Fiera Fisher Flaco Flint Florin
Frostflower Frumfighter Fuzz Gareth Garkin Garp
Geist Gemp George Ggthror Gil Gordo
Gorwyna Gremlin Greyson Grimli Grog Guenhwyvar
Gunner Gunslinger Gweneth Gwenivere Hades Hawkins
Hello Highlander Idomar Iggy Imora Ingar
Irie Jag Jahara Jasmin Jasmina Jason
Jaymik Jesse Jezebel Jimbabweta Jiper Johann
Judas Jude Juiblex Juxtaposer Kagir Karnov
Kat Katika Katrina Ked Keldar Khardan
Khrystina Kid Kiera Kiwi Koochy Kookaburra
Kran Kul Ladyhawke Lalo Lankwell Lanlord
Laurin Lia Ligeti Linflas Link Log
Loner Ludwig Lylaa Lysias Madaxeman Maeve
Malvin Markus Marmaduke Mars Marvo Maudlin
Mayhem Mellor Menace Menelmacar Metacomet Mildew
Mindmaster Mintis Mirri Misbach Mithrandrir Miyamoto
Moira Moondancer Morhion Mundar Musashi Mydrynn
Mystery Myth Nahnishu Nareik Nathaniel Newt
Nida Nightfall Nightraven Niteowl Niy Nolry
Northrop Novell Nypd Oaf Oakley Oberon
Ocker Odor Og Olgar Olorin Oriana
Orpheus Pain Paldin Parsifal Pavane Peirs
Penelope Pernix Phantom Phoenix Pick Pickles
Pixell Pj Pluto Poe Polaris Pony
Poobah Preymor Proto Psycopath Purtis Pyros
Quizno Rach Rage Raine Raithskar Raksana
Random Ranjiaar Razor Reba Rebelheart Remorse
Rengarth Revanche Rexx Rheaa Rhianna Ricochet
Rigormortis Rinvor Robby Rose Ruger Sadlark
Saint Sanddune Sapiens Sapphire Sargon Savannah
Scam Scarron Scrap Searon Serfdog Seth
Shadowblade Shadowdeath Shadowfax Shamino Shandor Sheppy
Shera Shiep Shike Shooop Sigil Silk
Simon Sin Sinner Sirree Skywaker Slasher
Slider Slipspell Snipe Snuggle Soddem Sofia
Songbird Sonia Sonic Sorbus Spudz Spyman
Star Stormy Sturm Suede Suko Suni
Superbad Sweetie Sweetness Swift Sydney Talborne
Talea Tango Tanzath Tarafon Tarax Taryn
Tatanka Tazz Temptation Terond Thecla Thimbo
Thorgal Thorn Thundarr Tigress Tijuana Timelord
Titania Tonbow Tonto Toshina Traenil Trapper
Traxus Twighla Tylendel Tynian Uggh Umbralis
Urquan Uzoc Valient Vampyr Vanida Vasili
Verdant Vivienne Vordrake Vyper Wad Waylander
Will Wolfen Wraith Wyatt Xataraxx Y
Zac Zared Zeke Zodiaco Zor
These are the leading groups:
1. Long Live AA! 33. Together We Stand
2. Homo Oec. 34. Warriors of Twilight
3. The Lover Boys 35. Bruins fans in PA
4. Knights Inc. Donations 36. The Midd Marauders
5. The Darkside 37. No Spinal Column
6. Mothers Against Rich Greysons 38. The lonely man team
7. Lawyers for a better Image 39. Fredonia
8. Captain Canuck and the Hockey Fans 40. Lawyers for Pirate Smilies P)
9. Celestial Cavalry for Peace & Hope 41. Shadowrunners
10. Squishy Mangoes 42. The Insane
11. Good Vibes 43. The Lonely Man Team
12. Somebody 44. The Orcish Poets Society
13. Pony and Shinobi Forever 45. The Thug and His Maiden
14. Only doing this for Trivia 46. K4AA
15. Assassin's Guild of Zuerich 47. DesertWarriors
16. L.U.T Loggers 48. Naked Mudders
17. Kool Cats 49. Mitchell Mudmen
18. Alabama Slammers 50. Rootsman Corner
19. GenerAAls 51. A guy named Bob
20. Norwegian Wood 52. Captain Canuck and theHockey Fans
21. Disgruntled Physicists 53. Donators R Us
22. Armageddon 54. Gang Green
23. SPONGE 55. Hackers
24. The Undutchables 56. Laecriminia
25. The Tribes 57. No Net Access for 6 Months
26. The Wanderers 58. Pricks in Space
27. Union of Modemdealers 59. The Dragoons
28. Do it, Baby 60. The Gravestone Grabbers
29. Lucky Thirteens 61. The Only English Major
30. No Life Insurance, Inc. 62. Thieves with a Heart
31. TOTAB 63. Virginia Cavs
32. Team Thunderbolt
Percentage of collected amount per country:
1. USA 65% (314) 11. Italy 0% (4)
2. Switzerland 25% (27) 12. Austria 0% (3)
3. Netherlands 2% (9) 13. Norway 0% (3)
4. United Kingdom 2% (13) 14. Austrailia 0% (1)
5. Ireland 1% (14) 15. Slovenia 0% (2)
6. Canada 1% (12) 16. Mexico 0% (1)
7. Australia 1% (11) 17. France 0% (1)
8. Germany 1% (9) 18. Spain 0% (1)
9. Finland 1% (6) 19. Singapore 0% (1)
10. Sweden 1% (6) 20. Erlands 0% (1)
Percentage of collected amount per class:
1. Fighters 47% (172) 5. Adventurers 8% (26)
2. Mages 21% (95) 6. Rangers 3% (18)
3. Thieves 11% (58) 7. Necromancers 2% (18)
4. Clerics 11% (48) 8. Old Mages 0% (4)
Percentage of collected amount per guild:
1. Scythe Clan 33% (145) 4. Monks of Antana 13% (63)
2. None 31% (84) 5. Courts of Chaos 12% (56)
3. Knights of Drin 16% (84) 6. Unknown 1% (7)