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Name: Elektra
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Village of Listan

Ages ago, a small group of elven people settled this place, called Listan. The people were from the elven Sethic clan, one of the original groups which left the elven kingdom of Sylvandor, said to exist far outside of the populated areas of the world.

Legend has it that this group of people left the main clan to explore new worlds and then return to share their new found places and adventures.

But when the group found and settled in this land, Listan, life was so pleasant and grand they decided to stay. Generations of elven people have lived here since. The area survived the Elf Human War of 1850, which somehow left Sylvandor totally unscathed.

The people believed that the Goddess of beauty, Listhalia, protected their pleasant existence and kept the beauty of their lives untouched by the war. They were so grateful, that they erected a temple to honour her.

The temple has served to protect people from the outside world. People go here for peace and solitude. Beauty was always the theme of the temple. This was a sanctuary from war and chaos.

Calthia was born in the village to a noble family. The family was respected throughout the land. People knew Calthia's family to be honourable, respectable, and trustworthy. When Calthia was born it was rumored that the world took a moment to admire an object of beauty come into being.

Years ago, Calthia's family was invited to visit the court of King Drin. Calthia's mother felt it was time for Calthia to see the outside world and that this would be an experience that would help Calthia in her life. Listan is a place removed from the chaos of the real world. It was time for Calthia to know more of the surrounding world. Calthia's mother felt that she could show Calthia what the world was like.

During the visit, Calthia met a young Knight of Drin named Cythrol. They fell very much in love. This did not please Calthia's mother. Calthia was too young for marriage and her mother had other plans for her daughter. She wanted her to lead the world one day. Getting married at such a young age was not what she had in mind for her daughter.

Calthia returned home and sulked. She was obviously greatly saddened. Cythrol could not forget her. He thought of her always. He remembered watching her laugh, seeing her hair shine in the sun, holding her hand, walking on the grass with her and sharing meals with her. He remembered all the things that made him love her. Finally, he could not live without her and decided to leave Drin to find her. He spoke to the King who was sorry to see him leave but knew that the love in his eyes would never let him stay. Cythrol left the protection of the castle, alone.

He travelled and battled as he searched for Listan. He needed to find his true love, Calthia. Somehow, their minds connected and she led him to Listan. After much convincing, Calthia's mother finally offered her blessing and the marriage took place. Word was sent to Nepeth and the King himself attended the wedding. He had a special place in his heart for Cythrol. He was like a father to the knight. Cythrol and Calthia decided to live their lives in Listan where they enjoyed a few years of blissful happiness.

Suddenly, Calthia was saddened. No one seemed to know why. She was unhappy because she realized that she would outlive her love. Cythrol was a human and therefore death would come for him one day and take him away from her.

Calthia spent day and night praying to the goddess of Listhalia, but the goddess would not intervene with the mortality of Cythrol. Calthia sought other powers. She went to the temple and prayed to the powers of darkness. A demon took interest in her plight. The demon knew that he could convince Calthia to bargain with him. He saw her as a beautiful item he wanted to keep for himself. His offered deal was that the lovers would never see one another again but that Cythrol could have his mortality changed.

The demon stole Calthia's soul and put her in a deep sleep. He imprisoned her deep below the temple of Listhalia. Listhalia herself finally stepped in and kept the demon from destroying Calthia completely. Listhalia knew that Calthia made the deal out of ignorance and fear. She vowed that Calthia would never make the same mistake again.

If Calthia ever breaks the spell, she will have the power within her to strike the demon on sight.

Listan is located very far to the southwest of Tantallon, deep in the forest.