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Name: Desiree
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Ancient Anguish is a free game, with no advertisements. The game still has monthly expenses in order to keep the servers running, and being player-owned, it has no sources of income. Donators do not receive any advantage over other players, but they are provided with a few special features.
Donators are immune to character purges (for long-term inactivity), can set their login location, change the capitalization of their name, add additional cosmetic descriptions to their character, receive an anguish.org e-mail address, and additional in-game commands. Please consider donating today.
The preferred method of donating is PayPal. Ancient Anguish has a recipient address of donations@anguish.org for donations. If you would like to donate through postal mail, type 'help donations' in-game to see our mailing address and instructions.
Note: If you log into PayPal and send money as personal/gift, it will not incur PayPal fees to Ancient Anguish that the buttons below do, so more of the money will reach the servers. The buttons below are provided for convenience.
Donate $250: Patrons of Ancient Anguish
Donate $100: Most Honorable Donators
Donate $50: Honorable Donators
Donate $25: Special Donators
Donate $10: Donators
Donate Variable Amount:
$2.50 Per Month Support of Ancient Anguish:
$10 Per Month Support of Ancient Anguish: